I had spent a bit of time in his Word, preparing for our bible study this Saturday morning. I had a great time digging into scripture as I always do. God reveals so much to me through his word and I get excited about spending that time with him. But I had other things to get to and so I closed my books for a bit and was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. Usually while I do that I'm staring into the mirror. And I noticed for a small space of time, my mind was totally blank. I was able to notice that because it was an odd feeling!! My mind is never just blank space. Never. I've yearned for it, tried to stare at one point to focus my mind into blankness many-a-times to no avail. So I noticed this blankness!
And then it came into that empty space:
'There is justification for you. There is no justification for your sin.'
It was a morsel of wisdom, on the very topic I was building and supporting for our bible study group, and it was straight from the mouth of God! Uber awesome.
The other time God met me in the bathroom was not in such an obvious way. But my husband and I have this ongoing discussion over toilet paper. When I go to get the groceries, I look at the square footage of the toilet paper to see which one has more. And although Scotts is not the softest toilet paper, it is the 'longest' and so I buy that. And it will last through at least one week of groceries, if not another half a week. But when he goes, he says he looks at the number I do, but he thinks that Northern Quilted has more square footage. So that's what he gets. And the package never lasts an entire week. But after two trips to the store and the same discussion, I just let it lay and left him to his own choosing; it's not worth ruffling feathers about really. But it is kind of a bummer to have to make a TP run mid-week when it runs out. So this time, before he went to get groceries, he let me know he was going and we made our list which included TP. At some point in that day before I was going to the bathroom, noticing we were on our last roll of TP and it was not that big and I thought, I wish he would just get the Scotts TP. But I simply took it to God. I know that if it's God's will he get Scotts, it'll happen. And I know that when I delight in God, he'll give me the desires of my heart.
Psalm 37:4
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
So I just prayed, 'Lord, if it be your will, please have him bring home Scotts.' And I left it at that. No need to bring it up or try to drop hints about it. It was a silent prayer between God and me. And later that evening, he came home with the groceries and I saw it... the answer to my prayer. And this prayer was not about an answer to a problem, per say, or a need that needed to be met, or a miracle or anything. It was really just asking God to fulfill a promise: if I was truly delighting in him, that he would give me the desires of my heart as he promises. And it was not about winning a debate, in fact, unless he reads this blog, my husband will not know about this God-moment because I will not boast in it to him and to me it was not an argument, but rather simply his point of view and my point of view; it is not a life or death issue we needed to come together on. I desired this brand of toilet paper, simply to spare our budget, to be able to see our toilet paper last longer, plain and simple. My motives were pure and I delighted in God. And he was faithful.
When we delight in God, he is always faithful. Always.