Friday, June 24, 2011

Fire, Fire, Fire

What a treat - I love fires!
Campfires, bonfires, fire pits - so many memories from back in the day. Long weeks spent up-North. Everyone has an up-north, a cabin, a summer place that has forged many memories.

My favorite memories from childhood are the weeks spent up-north over the summers. the day consisted of waking up, getting ready to go to the beach, playing at the beach all day, then coming home to eat dinner and sit outside by a fire, maybe go for a walk down the country roads and catch fireflies or be guided by the flood light of a full moon. Then go to bed and wake up to do it all over again. Cooking food over the fire, throwing trash in the fire, mulch piles, being out in nature for most of the waking hours of the day.

And then my sinful life took over full speed ahead, shortly after entering the teens and none of that was cool unless my boyfriend was involved and most likely some alcohol. Sadly.

So tonight was so awesome for so many reasons.

Tonight I was engulfed in fires. A bonfire - more like a small campfire actually - with a genuinely nice, loving group of people; all 'newer' friends of whom I've made their acquaintance a few times in their church setting.  But all so welcoming and friendly with no agenda but to love and have fun. I got to see a fire in the sky - a hot mess of glowing colors my Father laid out for me at sunset. But tonight I was outside to see it and I felt wrapped in glowing flames of love from my Father as the colors unfolded, so rapidly in the night sky. And there was a fire in my heart, remembering, cherishing those childhood memories of times spent up-north doing what I now know I loved and would give anything to be able to do again, but sadly at that time didn't know just how much it meant to me.

A fire can so quickly change whatever it touches. Tonight the fire forged new friendships for my whole family and deepened others. Tonight's heavenly fire reached down and surrounded me, bringing Abba's love right down to the ground to engulf me. And tonight this fire made me vow to myself that I will begin to make 'fire memories' for my children...

Because that's what a childhood is for.

Tonight, a miracle of Abba's love reaching down to me. Thank you Abba.

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