Thursday, April 14, 2011

Crazy Faith - If God doesn't come through, would you look crazy?

In September of 2010, my husband became vulnerable, stepping out in faith to take hold and grow his dream, opening a gym. In a retail location, it now exists to serve God by loving a fitness environment. That will have to be another post, if it fits, some other day. 

Shortly after this, he was led to the decision to resign from his FT position and rely on my PT income, the unstable income of the gym contracts and the seasonal income from our landscaping business. We own one home and one car, carry a student loan and have three kids, aside from the usual utility and grocery bills. Doable, for me my faith in areas as these is not shakeable (maybe because I am no longer responsible for making all the bill payments). I trust our Father leads and we follow and he is faithful.

Two weeks ago, we were led to the decision that my work-from-home part time position was not necessary. Hallelujah! It was definitely more stress than it seemed worth, though I was completely willing to work it and endure on earth, knowing my time in heaven would more than make up for the drag of what that job was here on earth. But God says no longer, I'm not going to argue that. He leads, we follow.

Today I am paying our $330 car payment. No questions asked. We have been able to grocery shop, pay all bills, donate from our budget to support local charities and national ones, and even enjoying a few dine-out trips (which if you know us, you know we do not EVER eat out - or did not ever). Still very conscious of where we spend, but letting God lead us in where he wants the money to go.

We're in our sixth month of living on income provided by extreme faith.  If God doesn't come through, we will look crazy. And that's the way we like it. We don't think we're crazy, just other people do.  Quitting jobs in an economy where jobs are wanted desperately, starting a small business in this same economy and expecting to support a five-person family - get this - ON FAITH.

But what's a life LIVED BY FAITH if you don't need God to come through in a big way to live it?

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