Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why I began this blog in January and why I'm now just posting...

In January of this year I experienced my first real life miracle. My son Gabriel went from diapers to completely, and I mean completely potty trained in 3 days. Day 1 I tried the usual, get the awesome big boy unders on thinking the wowness of those would instantly instill the knowledge of what to do and when to do it, and not just that but that it would done absolutely perfectly right out of the gate, or shortly there after. Wrong, three pairs of unders in an hour and I was done. The usual, 'well I guess he's just not ready' though he was exhibiting all the signs - knowing when he was going pooh, telling me he was going to go pooh and even going pooh on the potty just the week before with no hang-ups AT ALL. But I still gave up. However, deep down I knew he was ready and this was the time. So after a momentary lapse, my next effort was to pray about it (yep, I'm learning each day that this should be my first effort). I asked God to give him the knowledge and wisdom to know what his body was telling him, to know how to aim that little thing in the right spot and to have fun doing it - so it wasn't a battle. I left it all up to God. And he faithfully answered my prayers that very next day. But I was not 100% sure in my faith, so I put a diaper on him for overnight. I really hate waking up at night, so I thought I'd try the diaper and see how wet it was in the morning. And it was completely dry. But one more night of diapering just to be sure, after a full day of no accidents (yep, still doubting just a bit). After the second night of dry diaper I allowed myself to rejoice in the miracle I just witnessed. I praised God and I continue to pray at least once a day for God to continue to give him the wisdom he needs with his bodily functions. And I credit his 'potty training' completely to God. I just know, in my heart, this was not about anything I did (except giving it to God in prayer).

So this is why I started this blog about every day miracles.

And this is why I didn't post anything until now...

I want people to know what it feels like to follow God unabashedly, completely surrendering to him, not having any doubt in what he can accomplish, yes! But I feared it being perceived by others as putting me up on a pedestal, or boasting (you know the parable of the Pharisee and the everyday man in the church praying) and at the other end of the spectrum - does anyone really care to read such things?!

As my months have gone on, I've come to realize that's satan's game. That's satan's method to get me to keep my mouth shut so that I don't affect the Kingdom of God and so that I don't get people thinking about letting go of more and letting God have the control, all of it. But a bold-faith moment yesterday allowed me to realize, I'm not playing satan's game willingly and I'm not going to play it subconsciously any longer either.

I will begin posting. I'm not a fancy blogger, like the one I follow - A Holy Experience by Ann Voskamp - but it's me, in the raw, living my faith out LOUD and talking about it because it's for God and not keeping it hidden because that's for the enemy. No one lights a candle and then hides it for no one to see.

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